1. Knowledge Base
  2. Magento + Salesforce Integration

Guide: Business Impact (Ticket Field)

Business Impact tells us how you see the severity of the issue you are reporting

Impact: Critical

  • LIVE Website
    • The website is down (fatal errors)
    • Customers are not able to update their profiles
    • Customers are unable to place orders
    • Errors in the Magento Admin preventing you from modifying the data

Impact: High

  • LIVE Website
    • Errors in the Magento Admin preventing you from viewing the data
  • Lower level environment
    • The website is down (fatal errors)

Impact: Medium

  • All Environments
    • Orders are not synchronizing (eg. errors in the queue)
    • Customers are not synchronizing (eg. errors in the queue)
    • Products are not being synchronized (eg. errors in the queue)
    • Unexpected data is in Salesforce or Magento platforms after synchronization

Impact: Low

  • All Environments
    • Field mapping issues & assistance

Impact: Cosmetic

  • All Environments
    • UX & navigation issues
    • Text label issues
    • Product documentation
    • UI issues that do not block business-critical flows