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AA vs. AAA Compliance: Understanding the Differences


Discover the distinctions between AA and AAA compliance and gain insights into the levels of compliance required for website accessibility.


Understanding WCAG and the Levels of Compliance

WCAG Compliace Computer CodeTo ensure that websites are accessible to all individuals, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) have been established. These guidelines provide a set of recommendations for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities. WCAG is divided into three levels of compliance: A, AA, and AAA.


Level A compliance represents the bare minimum requirements for accessibility. While it addresses some of the most basic accessibility issues, it does not provide a comprehensive solution. Level AA compliance, on the other hand, goes beyond the minimum requirements and ensures a higher level of accessibility. Finally, Level AAA compliance offers the highest level of accessibility, covering a wide range of requirements and providing the most inclusive experience for users with disabilities.


It is important to note that achieving Level A compliance is mandatory for many websites, especially those in the public sector. However, for websites aiming to provide a truly inclusive customer experience, reaching Level AA compliance is highly recommended.


The Bare Minimum vs. Suggested Compliance

man browses WCAG compliant website

When it comes to website accessibility, complying with the bare minimum requirements is not enough to create an inclusive online environment. While Level A compliance ensures some level of accessibility, it may still leave certain users with disabilities facing barriers. Therefore, it is suggested to aim for Level AA compliance as a minimum standard.


By striving for Level AA compliance, website owners can ensure that their content is perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for a wider range of users. This level of compliance addresses common accessibility issues, such as providing alternative text for images, using clear and consistent navigation, and ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies.


In summary, while Level A compliance is the bare minimum, it is recommended to go beyond and aim for Level AA compliance to provide a more inclusive experience for all users.


When AA Compliance is Required

AA compliance is required in many cases, especially for websites in the public sector. This includes government websites, educational institutions and websites that provide essential services to the public. By meeting AA compliance, these websites ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to information and services.


Additionally, meeting AA compliance is important for businesses that want to avoid legal issues and potential lawsuits related to accessibility. By making their websites accessible to individuals with disabilities, businesses demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and avoid potential discrimination claims.


In summary, AA compliance is required for public sector websites and is crucial for businesses to ensure equal access and avoid legal issues.


When AAA Compliance is Recommended

While AA compliance is the recommended standard for most websites, achieving AAA compliance provides an even higher level of inclusivity. AAA compliance addresses a broader range of accessibility issues and ensures that individuals with disabilities can fully engage with web content.


AAA compliance is typically recommended for websites that prioritize accessibility and want to provide the best possible experience for users with disabilities. It is important to note that achieving AAA compliance may require additional resources and expertise, as it involves meeting more rigorous accessibility standards.

In summary, AAA compliance is recommended for websites that aim to provide the highest level of accessibility and prioritize inclusivity.


Key Differences Between AA and AAA Compliance

green checkmark for WCAG compliance

The key differences between AA and AAA compliance lie in the level of accessibility provided. While AA compliance ensures a high level of accessibility, AAA compliance goes even further to address more specific requirements. Some of the key differences include:

  • AAA compliance includes additional guidelines and success criteria that AA compliance does not cover.
  • AAA compliance focuses on providing a more robust and comprehensive experience for users with disabilities.
  • Achieving AAA compliance may require more resources and expertise compared to AA compliance.

In summary, AAA compliance offers a more comprehensive and inclusive experience by addressing additional accessibility requirements.


Why WCAG Compliance is Essential for eCommerce Brands

  1. WCAG compliant ecommerce websiteLegal Compliance: In the United States, Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) have specific requirements for digital accessibility. As discussed above, failure to comply with these regulations can lead to legal consequences, including fines and lawsuits.

  2. Inclusivity: Ensuring that your eCommerce website is accessible means that people with disabilities can access and use your site. This inclusivity is not only a legal requirement in many places but also aligns with ethical and social responsibility principles. It not only helps expand your customer acquisition efforts, but it improves your brand image by demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

  3. Market Expansion: There are millions of people worldwide with disabilities, and many of them use the Internet for shopping. By making your eCommerce website accessible, you tap into a larger market and potentially gain new customers who may have been excluded from your site due to accessibility barriers.

  4. User Experience: Accessibility improvements often enhance the overall user experience for everyone. For example, captions on videos not only benefit those who are deaf or hard of hearing but also aid users in noisy environments or those who prefer to watch videos without sound. By addressing accessibility, you create a better experience for all users.

  5. SEO Benefits: Search engines are designed to provide the best user experience, and they increasingly consider accessibility as a factor in ranking websites. By making your eCommerce site WCAG compliant, you not only cater to users with disabilities but also improve your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

  6. Risk Mitigation: Non-compliance with accessibility standards poses a risk to your business. In addition to legal consequences, it can lead to negative publicity, brand damage, and loss of customers. By proactively addressing accessibility, you reduce these risks and build a positive reputation.

  7. Future-Proofing: As technology evolves, so do the expectations for digital accessibility. By investing in WCAG compliance now, you are better prepared for future changes in regulations and standards.

Key Compliance Takeaways

In essence, grasping the nuances between AA and AAA compliance is vital for effective website accessibility. While Level A sets the baseline, aspiring for Level AA is recommended, going beyond the minimum requirements for a genuinely inclusive digital environment.


Notably required for public sector sites, AA compliance is imperative for businesses steering clear of legal pitfalls and showcasing a commitment to inclusivity. AAA compliance, though more resource-intensive, offers the pinnacle of inclusivity, particularly for those prioritizing an exceptional user experience. 

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