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Your eCommerce guide: do's and don'ts for improving your store

Your eCommerce guide: do's and don'ts for improving your store

Unlock the full potential of your eCommerce store with our essential technology do's and don'ts! In this guide, we will cover the best practices for optimizing website performance, enhancing security, and integrating advanced tools. Avoid common pitfalls and leverage cutting-edge solutions to create a seamless, efficient, and user-friendly shopping experience that drives sales and customer satisfaction.

1. Website

Your website is the cornerstone of your eCommerce business. It is where your customers interact with your brand, browse your products, and make purchases. Ensuring that your website is well-designed, user-friendly, and secure is crucial for the success of your store.


Do: invest in professional design 

A professional, aesthetically pleasing design builds trust and credibility with your customers. Ensure your website reflects your brand identity and appeals to your target audience. Consider hiring a professional designer if needed.

Don't: overcomplicate the design 

Avoid cluttered designs and excessive use of colors and fonts. A clean, simple design is more effective in guiding customers towards making a purchase. Stick to a consistent color scheme and typography that aligns with your brand.


Do: prioritize user experience (UX)

Focus on creating a seamless and intuitive shopping experience. Ensure your website is easy to navigate, with clear categories, filters, and a search function. The checkout process should be simple and straightforward, with as few steps as possible.

Don't: neglect mobile optimization 

With a significant portion of shopping done on mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website is essential. Ensure your site is responsive and provides a smooth experience across all devices.

"Our customers were complaining about how slow our website pages were loading. We were having challenges with page speed. Since getting TechNWeb's Magento 2 speed optimization service, our pages are now showing up on Google, and our revenue has increased 20% as a result.”

Jennifer Hillman
Co-Founder, LuxAnthropy

Cross-channel optimization

Do: implement cross-channel strategies 

Ensure a consistent experience for customers across all channels, including your website, social media, and email marketing. Utilize tools that integrate these channels for a cohesive strategy.

Don't: isolate your marketing efforts 

Avoid treating each marketing channel as a separate entity. Cross-channel optimization ensures that your branding and messaging are consistent, enhancing customer recognition and loyalty.

Security infrastructure

Do: invest in robust security measures

Protect your customers' data with SSL certificates, secure payment gateways, and regular security audits. Implement multi-factor authentication and ensure your platform complies with data protection regulations like GDPR.

Don't: overlook regular security updates 

Security threats are constantly evolving, and neglecting updates can leave your site vulnerable. Regularly update your software, plugins, and security protocols to safeguard your store.



Do: optimize for search engines 

SEO is critical for driving organic traffic to your store. Conduct keyword research, optimize product descriptions, use alt tags for images, and ensure your site is fast and mobile-friendly. Create quality content to improve your site's ranking.

Don't: use unethical SEO tactics 

Avoid using unethical SEO practices such as keyword stuffing, cloaking, or buying backlinks. These can lead to penalties from search engines, damaging your site's credibility and ranking.


Do: utilize advanced integrations 

Leverage integrations with CRM systems, email marketing tools, and analytics platforms to enhance your store's functionality and efficiency. Integrations can streamline operations and provide valuable insights into customer behavior.

Don't: cut corners when choosing the solution

The wrong solution can corrupt your data, slow your site, and increase overhead. Hire a strong technical partner to help you find the best approach that will address your business needs and enable you to scale.

2. Monitoring

Effective monitoring of your eCommerce store involves tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), maintaining customer engagement through email, and leveraging social media. These efforts help you understand your store's performance and make informed decisions.



Do: track relevant KPIs 

Monitor metrics such as conversion rate, average order value, customer acquisition cost, and customer lifetime value. These KPIs provide insights into your store's performance and highlight areas for improvement.

Don't: focus on vanity metrics

Avoid getting caught up in metrics that don't directly impact your business, like social media likes or page views. Focus on metrics that drive revenue and customer satisfaction.


Do: build a strong email marketing strategy

Email marketing is a powerful tool for engaging customers and driving sales. Segment your email list, personalize your messages, and use automation to send timely and relevant content. Regularly analyze the performance of your email campaigns.

Don't: spam your customers 

Avoid sending too many emails or irrelevant content. This can lead to unsubscribes and damage your brand's reputation. Focus on providing value and maintaining a balance in your communication frequency.


Do: leverage social media for engagement 

Use social media platforms to connect with your audience, share content, and promote products. Engage with your followers through comments, messages, and interactive posts. Social media can drive traffic to your store and build brand loyalty.

Don't: ignore negative feedback 

Address negative comments and feedback promptly and professionally. Ignoring or deleting negative feedback can harm your reputation. Use it as an opportunity to show your commitment to customer satisfaction and improve your services.

3. Automations

Automation can significantly enhance the efficiency of your eCommerce store by streamlining tasks, integrating systems, and automating billing and invoicing.

"Before I was spending about 50% of my work week dealing with Salesforce issues and challenges, and now it's down to ~10% and dropping."

Doug Kolpien
Director of Infrastructure and Technology, Implan


Do: automate routine tasks 

Automate repetitive tasks such as inventory management, order processing, and customer support to save time and reduce errors. This allows you to focus on strategic activities that drive growth

Don't: overlook automation opportunities 

Regularly review your processes to identify additional automation opportunities. Implementing automation tools can enhance productivity and provide a better customer experience.


Auto-billing and invoicing

Do: implement auto-billing and invoicing 

Automate billing and invoicing to ensure timely payments and reduce administrative workload. Use software that generates invoices, sends reminders, and processes payments automatically.

Don't: ignore the importance of accurate billing 

Ensure your billing and invoicing system is accurate and transparent. Errors in billing can lead to customer dissatisfaction and payment delays. Regularly audit your billing processes to maintain accuracy.

4. The importance of audits to your technology strategy

Do: conduct regular audits

Security audits: Perform regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities and ensure your systems are up to date. This includes checking for malware, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations, and reviewing access controls.

Performance audits: Evaluate your website's performance, including loading speeds, uptime, and user experience. Use tools like Google Analytics to gather data and identify areas for improvement.

Process audits: Review your operational processes to ensure they are efficient and aligned with your business goals. Identify bottlenecks, redundant tasks, and opportunities for automation.

Don't: neglect the audit process

Avoid skipping audits–regular audits are crucial for maintaining the health of your eCommerce store. Skipping audits can lead to undetected issues, security breaches, and suboptimal performance.

Don't rely on internal audits alone. Consider hiring external experts for comprehensive audits. They can provide an unbiased assessment and offer valuable insights that internal teams might overlook.


Your exclusive eCommerce strategy playbook 

By following these do's and don'ts, you can unlock the full potential of your eCommerce store. From optimizing your website and leveraging automation to conducting regular audits, these best practices will help you create a seamless, efficient, and user-friendly shopping experience that drives sales and customer satisfaction.

Ready to take your eCommerce store to the next level? Download our comprehensive eCommerce strategy playbook for more in-depth insights and actionable tips. Whether you're just starting or looking to optimize your existing store, our playbook has everything you need to succeed.

Need personalized advice tailored to your unique business needs? Book a complimentary consultation with our experts today. We’ll help you develop a strategy that drives growth, enhances customer satisfaction, and maximizes efficiency.

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