Transforming FloraFlex's online presence for Black Friday success

In advance of Black Friday, FloraFlex sought to optimize their homepage, improve their page speed, and improve the checkout experience for customers.
With TechNWeb's support, Black Friday sales brought in approximately 25% more revenue compared to the previous year.
Key Product
Adobe Commerce Cloud
“Our customers and my customer service team are having a much better quality of life.”
Mari Martin
Operations, FloraFlex

About FloraFlex
FloraFlex provides high-quality supplies to help individuals grow their own plants. Black Friday is considered the company's biggest revenue-generating event.The challenge
In advance of Black Friday, FloraFlex faced a daunting challenge. Their media-heavy homepage, filled with unoptimized, non-eCommerce content, was a major hurdle. With 50% of their incoming traffic coming from mobile devices, page speed loading times were a staggering 30 seconds, resulting in a drop-off rate of over 50%. Recognizing the critical nature of the upcoming Black Friday event, FloraFlex tasked TechNWeb with the mission to improve their visitor experience from the homepage through to the checkout process, all within a tight deadline of 45 days.
The solution
TechNWeb undertook a comprehensive overhaul of FloraFlex's website with a focus on enhancing usability, visibility, and overall user experience. The key improvements included:
- Website navigation and search: Drastically improved and made more visible and user-friendly to help users find products quickly.
- Homepage redesign: Completely redesigned to feature more products upfront, increasing visibility and appeal to consumers.
- eCommerce category pages: Optimized to showcase a wider range of products, facilitating easier browsing for users.
- Product page revamp: Product pages were entirely revamped to improve conversion rates, ensuring that product information was clear and compelling.
- Shopping cart and checkout enhancements: Implemented more robust pricing rules to replace manual coupons, streamlining the checkout process and reducing friction.
The outcome
The strategic improvements made by TechNWeb yielded significant results for FloraFlex during Black Friday:
- Revenue increase: Black Friday sales brought in approximately 25% more revenue compared to the previous year.
- Improved page speed: Page speed loading times were reduced three-fold, greatly enhancing the user experience.
- Reduced drop-off rate: The drop-off rate was reduced by approximately 27%, indicating a substantial improvement in user retention and engagement.
Through these targeted optimizations, FloraFlex was able to leverage the expertise of TechNWeb to transform their website into a high-performing, revenue-generating asset just in time for Black Friday.